health & pharmaceutical
From protecting intellectual property to constructing secure facilities, The Rain Finance Group helps organizations in the healthcare, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sector manage risk by building stronger companies while protecting the privacy and safety of end-users.
Counterfeit products and a lack in
business intelligence are not only highly damaging to the brand,
reputation and profitability of
organizations in this sector, but can have tragic implications for
Our unique mix of forensic
accountants, analysts and investigators provide the real-time
intelligence that
is key to confident business
decisions and preventing, uncovering and disrupting criminal operations.
Due Diligence
In The Rain Finance Group latest Global Fraud Report, 23% of
companies in this sector hit by
fraud where the perpetrator was known report a
joint venture partner was involved
(the highest figure in the survey.) Yao Romiase Kouassi’s
suite of due diligence services
inform clients on every facet a business before a decision is made,
including the integrity of business
associates, quality of financial information and supply chain risks.
Protecting against regulatory risks
poses its own challenges where navigating third party risk can be
confusing and complex—especially when you are not sure where to start. The Rain Finance Group suite of high-volume services can help you take the first step toward
establishing a risk-based compliance program by determining which third
parties present the greatest threat to your organization.
Cyber Security
Having a cyber policy in place when hit with a data breach and knowing who to notify is a pressing concern, especially if sensitive PHI has been compromised. The Rain Finance Group’s data breach notification and remediation solutions are designed to help you rebuild that trust and meet all regulatory standards. We’ve been helping clients successfully manage breach notifications for more than a decade.
Security Risk Management
Providing a safe and secure
environment to protect people and assets is a high priority, now more
than ever. The Rain Finance Group has vast experience solving
these issues for healthcare facilities. Our time-tested, field-proven
process for effective security risk management include brand protection,
security systems planning, threat assessments and installation
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